Fair to say that this blog is on a hiatus. For an undisclosed amount of time.
Frankly, I'm busy and uninteresting. Busy in the most uninteresting ways.

Here is a picture of me(s) because, let's be honest, aren't we all (self-loathing) narcissists?



(ph. via ebonsoul photography)
This past Thursday was the release party of my boyfriend and his friend's collaborative magazine, THRWD. There was such a massive turn out? Good WOM? The anticipated art? Social networking? The alcohol? For whatever reason, there were so many people supporting the magazine, it was really shocking but exciting. Expect awesome things from THRWD!

Visit THRWD's website H E R E !

Also, apologize for super low quality of the photos but they are cute, okay?


Last Minute Halloween

This was my last minute halloween costume: a French girl with a black eye. And by last minute I mean, I found out we were actually doing something for halloween a few days prior to the event and I had twenty minutes after work to scrounge up a costume. Mine turned out to be more of a persona rather than a costume, a French girl with a black eye. There is no story to this get up, it just came to me and I had my boyfriend find a beret at a vintage store while I was at work. I ended up only wearing this for about two hours and so I was relieved that I did not have to spend a penny on this outfit because these pieces were already in my wardrobe (sans beret, thanks Trevor)! People seemed a little thrown off by the black eye because for one my outfit was quite "normal" compared to the sexy policemen and sexy mermaids all around. So maybe I only looked like a girl with a black eye. But I thought the beret was stereotypical enough to get the point across, no offense, of course. Really I loved the black eye and love to wear them on days that aren't halloween. Not in a masochistic way, but really just like the look of bruises.